Free Product Gifts Prestashop Module Updates

June 2024

Version 3.0.2

The second maintenance release in June 2024 addresses the following bugs:

  • Back Office: Display the association for each gift pack in Gift Pack grid
  • Back Office: Only display static product for the gift pack being viewed, previously a bug caused products across all gift packs to be displayed.
  • Store Front: Hide the gift product customization in the cart across more themes

June 2024

Version 3.0.1

This maintenance release of the Free Product Gift module for Prestashop brings along the following bug fixes and improvements to the module:


  • Only show active products in a gift pack
  • Consider the stock level of a gift product before it is displayed as part of a gift pack
  • Disable the add gifts button when no gifts are selected
  • Allow gift discount name to be translatable
  • Only display packs belonging to active shop in Back Office
  • Multishop support for Gift Packs
  • Allow Free Gift label in product list to be translated
  • Display gift pack association in Gift Pack List in the back office

Bug Fixes

  • Sanitize the quantity field when saving gift pack in the back office
  • Fix error when viewing orders which contain free gifts in the back office
  • Fix bug which caused an error when adding gifts to the cart and quantity is limited
  • Fix issue pertaining to the chaining of hooks which could return unexpected controller in the context object

May 2024

Version 3.0.0

We are delighted to announce the release of this new major update to the Free Product Gifts module for Prestashop 1.7.8 and higher.

This updates brings a host of new features and code improvements as listed below

  • The module code has been rewritten ground up for improved stability of security as well as taking advantage of Prestashops modern development patterns.
  • The module UX both in the back and front office have been completely reimagined and improved. The presentation of gifts in the store front has been completely redesigned and greatly improves the effectiveness and marketing of free gifts for your products.
  • New feature In previous versions of the module gifts had to be manually assigned to individual products. In version 3, gifts can now be assigned to a category or multiple categories and further to products with specific attributes in those categories. The ability to assign gifts to individual products also remains.
  • New Feature In previous versions of the module gifts had to be assigned individual to a pack manually. Now you can choose a category from which products are assigned as gifts to a pack.

Other numerous smaller improvements have also been included in this update.

February 2024

Version 2.2.5

A new version of Free Product Gifts for Prestashop has been released, version 2.1.5.

Free Product Gifts is a module for Prestashop which is designed to increase conversions by encouraging customers to purchase a product by rewarding them with a free add on gift product when the y purchase specific products in your store

The recent update to the module now introduces the ability to not only reward free gifts for specific products, but you can now reward free gifts for certain variants / attributes of a product. An example of this could be something similar to the scenario below.

You sell a T-Shirt which comes in various sizes and colors and you wish to give away another product as a free gift when they purchase the T-Shirt in the large size only. The update to the module now allows you to define which variants a free gift is available for in the back office.

The feature was added to the module after numerous requests for this feature had been received and we hope the addition to the feature will be welcomed by existing users of the module and useful for new potential users.

You can upgrade or download the module below

Download Free Product Gifts for Prestashop

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